Misery opens tomorrow, we can’t wait! Get your tickets online here, and learn about the cast below.

Mitchell King is thrilled to be playing Paul Sheldon in Misery. This has been one of the most challenging roles he has played, and he would like to extend his deepest and sincerest gratitude to Katie, Ellie, and Jeremiah for being wonderful to work with through this whole experience. He was last seen onstage as Victor in Private Lives and Sabot in Rope. He also recently directed Ordinary Days at MCT and played Bertram Cates in Inherit the Wind, performed in the old Courthouse.

Ellie Wood is excited to be back on stage at MCT, playing a wonderfully complex, crazy character (Annie), perfect for the Halloween season! She was most recently seen in MCT’s historic production of Inherit the Wind and prior to that, was keeping with the villain theme as Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. She currently serves as the Past President and Box Office Manager for Meadville Community Theatre, all while working to support the mental health of children by supervising the Partial Hospitalization Program at Bethesda Lutheran Services. Ellie is grateful to be back on the stage in this amazing production, and would like to thank her family, friends, and coworkers for supporting her throughout this demanding journey. Special thanks to Katie, Mitchell, and Jeremiah for trusting her with a butcher knife, a sledgehammer, and a shotgun, and to her mom, Vickie, who has always been her number one fan. And to the audience – thank you for being here, for allowing her to breathe life into this character. Ellie hopes you enjoy this show as much as she has, and looks forward to your continued support of Meadville Community Theatre.

Jeremiah is thrilled to be back at MCT. He feels very lucky and privileged to be part of this production and to be working with such talented and brilliant people. The last production Jeremiah performed in was Inherit the Wind at the Crawford County courthouse. Jeremiah’s prior performances include One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest and The Great Gatsby. He is very delighted and enthusiastic to be back on the stage. Jeremiah has worked at Bethesda Lutheran Services for almost 14 years as a Behavior Support and Youth Support Specialist. He loves his job and says it is very rewarding. He would like to thank his close friends and family who are all huge supporters of his theater endeavors. Also, he would like to send a very big thank you to Katie, Ellie, and Mitch, for dealing with his shenanigans and making rehearsals fun, enjoyable and absolutely wonderful. Jeremiah will be playing the part of the Sheriff, but everyone else calls him “Buster.” Buster is an ever so clever Sheriff who has a hunch and works tirelessly to figure out the truth and what is actually going on in his small town. He is very excited to play this character in his own way. Jeremiah hopes everyone who attends enjoys the thrills and chills of this production.
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